Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Journey Continues

So it's been more than 2 months now of using Rodan + Fields products, and I'm officially hooked.  I have recently had 2 people (women even!) suggest that I was 30 years old!  Ha, I wish, but I wasn't fishing for compliments, they truly thought that! That has NEVER happened before, so I know I'm not the only one noticing results.

For a refresher, this was me at the beginning of the summer

This is me now---no makeup!  Definitely a more even skin tone, smaller pores, better overall eye area---pretty much better everything. (but a lovely zit on my chin---can't win 'em all I guess). Being a girl is tough sometimes! 

So if you or anyone you know wants some similar results with a 60-day money-back guarantee...let me know.  See what everyone else is figuring out about Rodan and Fields:--having great skin is awesome!  I never knew but now I do!  And I'll keep the "you must be 30" comments for  rainy day.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Transformation Tuesday

So it's good 'ol #transformationtuesday, I will show another progress picture of my mug! Still going strong and still very impressed.

Hiding from the sun game still on point. 
I'm pretty sure I look like a creeper.
The things we do.
Everything is getting lighter! And firmer! And smoother! Sooo much progress. I am quite addicted to these products. 
There is something for every skin issue.  Want 10% off and free shipping???  (You do).  Message me!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Just Roll With It

Hey gang,

More skin updates!  (Try to contain your excitement).  I have added the Rodan + Fields AMP MD exfoliating roller to my routine.

These are pictures of mine:

You can see the tiny needle points that are poking out.  It actually makes tiny punctures in the skin so the product is absorbed better!  It is definitely helping everything continue to even out, firm, and smooth.

 Exfoliation is key!  Let me know if you would like more information on these products.  I will also be having my Big Business Launch party on Thursday August, 13.  Location: TBD!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Struggle with Acne?

Acne isn't just for teenagers!  It's like the gift that keeps on giving for many people.  Is it something you struggle with?

The Unblemish line from Rodan and Fields has been very popular!

As always, there is a 60-day money back guarantee!   Let me know if you'd like to try it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

More Progress with Reverse!

Hi guys!  This video has been floating around, so I thought I would share it. These are the dermatologists Rodan and Fields using their Reverse product on an apple that has turned brown. It's pretty cool to see.

This is the half of the same regime that I have been using for a few weeks now to reduce MY brown spots, and I'm having darn good success (if I do say so myself!)

I'm standing in the exact same spot under the same bathroom light.  Definite progress in just a few weeks!  And the eye cream (Redefine regime) is doing wonders as well.  I am so happy so far!  You definitely need to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen with the Reverse products, and even though I only use them at night, I wear the SPF50 on my face during the day.   I haven't been living in a bubble either! I love summer as much as the next person and have just been wearing a baseball hat and SPF when outside.  There's plenty of poorly-drawn chalk animals on my sidewalk to attest to all our outside time! 

If you are interested in any products, message me! Everything has a 60-day money back guarantee.  If you use it and don't like it, you can turn in an empty bottle for a full refund.  For real!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Eyes Don't Lie

So I am continuing to use my products, and I have definitely noticed a difference in my eye area from the eye cream.
This picture was taken last night.  Now obviously I am wearing make-up, but it's natural light in the car and no filters were used.  And I'm not a make-up wizard with a face full of Sephora products! I can see how much smoother and more even the under-eye area is, which is an area I struggle with normally.  I have perma-dark circles, and I really do feel they are fading!

Here's another before/after picture from the eye cream.  It's pretty awesome stuff!

I hope to see more and more results with continued use.

Let me know if you would like to order before it sells out again!!

And don't forget the sunscreen!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


So I've been faithfully using my new R + F products (is it weird that I get excited to use them??Maybe that means I need to get a life!), and I feel like I am already starting to see results.

Before any treatment
After 1 week-showing progress!
Here are some pictures of more dramatic changes, after more time with the product:

My skin has definitely never been so soft!  And all the before and after pictures give me hope!