Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Eyes Don't Lie

So I am continuing to use my products, and I have definitely noticed a difference in my eye area from the eye cream.
This picture was taken last night.  Now obviously I am wearing make-up, but it's natural light in the car and no filters were used.  And I'm not a make-up wizard with a face full of Sephora products! I can see how much smoother and more even the under-eye area is, which is an area I struggle with normally.  I have perma-dark circles, and I really do feel they are fading!

Here's another before/after picture from the eye cream.  It's pretty awesome stuff!

I hope to see more and more results with continued use.

Let me know if you would like to order before it sells out again!!

And don't forget the sunscreen!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


So I've been faithfully using my new R + F products (is it weird that I get excited to use them??Maybe that means I need to get a life!), and I feel like I am already starting to see results.

Before any treatment
After 1 week-showing progress!
Here are some pictures of more dramatic changes, after more time with the product:

My skin has definitely never been so soft!  And all the before and after pictures give me hope!

Friday, June 19, 2015

So it Begins

So here's the deal: when I grew up, like many of my friends, I thought it was cool to be as tan as possible. I was jealous of girls who could get more brown than I could!  I would spend as much time as possible at the pool or lying out in the back yard after my shifts working at Subway!  I occasionally visited tanning beds as well, but not as much as others I knew.  By the time I was 25 or so, I was all about the sun protection. SPF to the max and no more tanning beds except a couple times before my wedding in 2007. I always wear a hat now and a lot of sunscreen.  But the damage has been done.

  I am embarrassed to share my bare-faced "before" pictures here, but I'm going to do it anyway. (You've been warned!!!)  I look like an evil alien.

Okay, so clearly I have some forehead wrinkles going on here. Like whoah.  You can disregard the redness on the bottom of my face, not sure what that's about here; I think it was the lighting.  Must learn to take better selfies! Priorities!
And this lovely picture shows discoloration and sun spots.  Eek.

So I began using Rodan + Fields skincare. I have seen many before and after pictures (and live in person!) of people who have had fantastic results.  There are regimes for wrinkles (Redefine), discoloration (Reverse), redness (Soothe), and acne (Unblemish).

Rodan and Fields are the 2 dermatologists who created Proactiv, and this is their new anti-aging line. The only way to buy it is through a consultant.  They have a 60-day money back guarantee but only a 1% return rate. If nothing else, I want to get my products cheaper or free, so I became a consultant!

I am using this blog to document my results and those of any others willing to share!

I have been using the Reverse line at night.

and the Redefine line during the day

One of the add-on products for Redefine is called Acute Care; 

They are flexible little patches you wear overnight to fill wrinkles--no needles needed!
This is my forehead after 1 patch.
Again with the crazed selfie face!  Yikes.  And I had JUST taken the patch off, so you can see the band-aid like outline of it on my forehead, but the difference in my skin quality is very noticeable! Much smoother. That was just 1 patch. I can't wait to use more!

I also use the Redefine eye cream. It keeps selling out across the country, but it's currently back in stock! It's awesome.

One week in!  It's a great company with great products.  Please let me know if you're interested in anything; it will ship right to your door!